Sophia's Portico

A Feminine Spirituality Center - Since 1992!

2330 Beacon Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
Sophia's Portico


A Feminine Spirituality Center


Sophia's Portico Needs:

Sophia's Portico relies on the support of our community and volunteers who make everything possible.

Sophia's is in need of a few things from time to time.

  • Sponsors - If an event means something special to you please make a donation.




  • Volunteers - If you have some time and/or talent that you would like to share, give us a call at 260-482-7402.

Dear Friends,


Thank you for your connection and faithful commitment to Sophia’s Portico.  Your presence, time, energy, ideas, and financial support have empowered our vision which offers a safe haven for creative feminine spirituality, seasonal celebrations, and sense of purpose in our community. For this we are most grateful.


In addition to our regular newsletters and website, you may now find us on Facebook, where ongoing, new and inspiring programs and rituals are posted.


As we do each year, we’re reaching out to you for your financial support to help continue our

vision for the coming year. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.


The Board of Directors of Sophia’s Portico,

Terri Duclos, President                            Carole Gordon, Vice President

Natalie Dunnuck, Treasurer                     Dianne Dunfee, Secretary       

Heather McGinnis                April Allen                  Lisa Gardner

Emily Guerrero                    April Reinhard                        

Please send all donations to

Sophia's Portico

2330 Beacon Street, Suite 109

Fort Wayne, Indiana  46805

or see donation button above